Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Little Gem from Ann Arbor

Hi all,

This past weekend I was in Ann Arbor for a conference. Being in the middle of Michigan, I was pleasantly surprised at the good food I was surrounded by.

On Saturday night we went to a bar that got major hype for "bacon infused bourbon", and I knew immediately that I was destined to drink this drink. It was calling my name, I had no choice.

The bacon is barely detectable at first, since this cocktail is in disguise as a Manhattan. The sweetness is not overwhelming, and then the soft bacon-ness sneaks up and it gets a little salty and you taste a little bit of smoke. I was crying out for more bacon at the time, but it was just the booze talking... okay, maybe a little more bacon.

The cocktail is garnished with a brandied cherry, and allegedly has orange bitters in it. Really the best part about it is this.

It's only $9! After 10, it's $7! AMAZING.

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